Key Dates
Community Development Board Work Session at 6PM to Discuss Natural Resources
There will be a work session to discuss the Natural Resources Section of the Environment, Natural Resources and Hazards Element of Vision Whitefish 2045 at 6PM on Wednesday, March 19 in the City of Whitefish Council Conference Room.
This work session will be streamed on MS Teams and public participation can occur at the following link:
Meeting ID: 293 623 752 368
Passcode: RV6bG32W
Work Session to Discuss Environment Section and Economic Development Goals
5PM, City Hall
Community Development Board Work Session at 5PM
There will be a Community Development Board Work Session at 5PM on January 16, 2025.
The first half of this work session will be Whitefish High School Seniors presenting ideas related to Vision Whitefish 2045.
The second half of the meeting will be a discussion regarding how work sessions and incorporation of public comment could occur moving forward.
Community Development Board Work Session
There will be a Community Development Board work session to discuss the Environment Section of the Environment, Natural Resources and Hazards Element on December 19, 2024 at 5PM. This work session will also be streamed on the City Youtube Channel HERE.
Community Development Board Work Session
There will be a Community Development Board work session at 5PM on November 21, 2024 to discuss the Demographics section which will part of the background portion of the Plan.
City Council Vision Whitefish 2045 Update
Staff will be giving the City Council a comprehensive update on where we are with the Community Plan (Growth Policy) at an October 21, 2024 work session. The time has yet to be determined, but it will be prior to their regular meeting which always occurs at 7:10 PM. An agenda with the time will be posted by Friday, October 18 located HERE.
Community Development Board Work Session @ 5:30 PM
There will be a Community Development Board work session at 5:30 PM to discuss the draft history section of Vision Whitefish 2045.
Community Development Work Session
There will be a Community Development Board work session Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 5PM. The first sections of the Plan will be discussed. The drafts will be posted in the "Draft Plan Chapters" in the "Documents" links below by the end of the week.
HERE is the staff memorandum for that work session.
Community Development Work Session
Results from the recent visioning sessions, a draft vision statement and where we are in the process with Vision Whitefish 2045 will be discussed at this work session.
The work session will be at 5PM at city hall council chambers. This work session will also be streamed on the city YouTube channel here.
The staff report for this work session has been posted here.
Economic Development Community Development Board Work Session
Work session to discuss final economic report completed by GSBS Consulting and the draft goals and objectives for the Economic Development Section of Vision Whitefish 2045. The work session will begin at 5PM.
All materials related to this discussion are located here.
Area Specific Visioning Sessions
The city has scheduled the next visioning sessions! Visioning is a process by which a community forms a mental picture of the future it wants. This includes working together to recognize shared values and defining what makes Whitefish special and how to protect valuable assets.
The city will be holding four visioning sessions in different locations. These sessions will ask participants to identify distinctive areas of the city, tell us what is special about your neighborhood and specific geographic areas and discuss issues and opportunities.
We ask that you choose ONE of the four sessions based on the particular area in which you live. A flyer with a map indicating the areas is located HERE.
Dates and locations of next visioning sessions:
- April 25, Grouse Mountain Lodge, 2 Fairway Dr
- May 9, Whitefish Armory, 315 Armory Rd
- May 23, Whitefish High School Cafeteria, 1143 E. 4th St
- June 13, Whitefish Methodist Church, 1150 Wisconsin Ave
All sessions will begin at 6PM.
Economic Development Presentation to the Community Development Board
The new Montana Land Use Planning Act (MLUPA) is very specific regarding what topics need to be addressed in a growth policy and each of the requirements. One of these requirements includes an economic analysis of the city. The city contracted with GSBS Consulting to provide this analysis. Throughout the month of December the consultant conducted numerous interviews with businesses, agencies and community leaders. This research will be used to draft the Economic Development Element of the Growth Policy.
GSBS Consulting will be giving a (remote) presentation to the Community Development Board at an April 18, 2024 work session, which begins at 5PM. We invite you to attend this work session. This presentation will also be streaming on the City YouTube Channel here.
Community Development Board Work Session
There will be a growth policy update at a 5:30 PM work session prior to the regular Community Development Board meeting. Staff will briefly discuss results of the February 21 and 22 visioning sessions and next steps in the growth policy update process.
First Visioning Sessions
Visioning is a process by which a community forms a mental picture of the future it wants. This includes working together to recognize shared values and defining what makes Whitefish special and how to protect valuable assets. These first visioning sessions will be a general discussion about community character, assets and opportunities and will include considering several questions and a mapping exercise to help guide the growth policy update process. This will be the first of many visioning sessions.
Staff does intend to bring specific visioning sessions out into the community when we start working on elements such as land use and housing. We have scheduled IDENTICAL SESSIONS for two different nights to provide more flexibility for attendees. These sessions will be at Whitefish City Hall at 5:30 PM ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 AND THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22. Here is the flyer for the visioning sessions.
Community Development Board Work Session
Staff will hold a work session with the Community Development Board at 5PM. Topics will include preparation for the upcoming visioning sessions, and background on an ongoing economic development analysis and market study required for the growth policy.
Community Development Board Growth Policy Work Session
There will be a growth policy work session of the Community Development Board (formerly the Planning Board) from 5PM to 6PM.
Topics that will be discussed included an update on progress, Whitefish High School student presentations, discussion of final artwork and discussion of visioning process and potential dates. This work session will be streamed online.
The agenda will be posted here.
Streaming is available on the City YouTube Channel here.
Link to staff memo here.
October 19, 2023 Planning Board Growth Policy Work Session
A work session regarding the growth policy will be held Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 5PM.Topics will include the Planning Board's role in the upcoming visioning sessions, Whitefish High School's Growth Policy Senior Project, some rearrangement in the timing of the project phasing, and choosing of Growth Policy cover art.
Staff memo to the Planning Board can be seen here.
Virtual Question and Answer Session
We understand there are a lot of moving pieces regarding the Growth Policy! Staff will be available online for those who were not able to attend the kick off meeting or still need additional information. Staff recommends you review the recorded video from the kick off meeting and the kickoff handout prior to this meeting.
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Meeting ID: 228 881 980 024
Passcode: 3H2po7
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+1 406-426-9898,,785209284# United States, Billings
(833) 563-1751,,785209284# United States (Toll-free)
Phone Conference ID: 785 209 284#
Growth Policy Kick-Off Meeting Scheduled!
The first Growth Policy Update kick off meeting is scheduled! This kick off will be from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM on August 24, 2023 at Whitefish City Hall Council Chambers, at 418 E 2nd St. This kick-off meeting will be streamed on the City YouTube Channel.
This kick-off meeting will be a town hall style format. Staff will give a general overview of the project, present the existing conditions of the City, describe how interested parties can stay involved in the process and explain how to use the Public Engagement Website. The methods staff will use to notify the public of this meeting are described in the “Tools for Outreach” section of the Public Engagement Plan posted on this website.
Flier that is being sent to all utility bill customers in July bill. There is also a postcard being sent to everyone in the 59937 zip code.